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Researcher/Lecturer Alternative Investments and Commodities 80 - 100 %

Within the finance team of the ZHAW School of Engineering, you expand our activities in applied R&D and education with a focus on alternative investments and commodity trading, thereby driving the automation and digitalization of the financial industry forward.

School: School of Engineering
Starting date: 1st of October 2024, or upon agreement

Your role

  • Applied research and development together with industry partners in the areas of Alternative Investments and commodity trading
  • Acquisition of R&D projects supported by national and international funding organizations such as Innosuisse, SNF, or EU
  • Teaching of finance topics in bachelor-, master-, and continuing education programs 

Your profile

  • Ph.D. in mathematics, physics, computer science, or a similar discipline
  • Excellent analytical and technical skills, good knowledge of financial mathematics
  • Extensive practical experience with alternative investments and commodity trading
  • Strong industry network in these areas within the financial center Zurich/Schwyz/Zug and beyond
  • Prior teaching experience is a plus
  • Fluency in English, good knowledge of German (ability to teach in German within 1 year)

This is what we stand for

Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW is one of Switzerland's largest multidisciplinary universities of applied sciences, with over 14'000 students and 3'400 faculty and staff.

Our group Finance, Risk Management and Econometrics at the Insititute of Data Analysis and Process Design (IDP) consists of a team of mathematicians, physicists and computer scientists who work on future topics in finance. We develop creative solutions for banks, insurers, asset managers, FinTech enterprises and other firms in the financial sector.

ZHAW is committed to gender-mixed and diverse teams in order to promote equality, diversity and innovation. In order to increase the proportion of women in management positions, applications from women are particularly welcome.

Das bieten wir an

Wir bieten hochschulgerechte Arbeits- und Anstellungsbedingungen an und fördern aktiv die Personalentwicklung unserer Mitarbeitenden und Führungspersonen. Eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Vorteile ist auf der Webseite «Arbeiten an der ZHAW» zu finden. Hier die wichtigsten Eckpunkte:


Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmidhuber
Head of Research Group Finance, Risk Management and Econometrics


Jasmin Strobel
Recruiting Manager


Permanent employment
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften
Winterthur Region of Winterthur/Schaffhausen 8400