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Lorenz Biberstein MA

Lorenz Biberstein

Lorenz Biberstein MA

ZHAW School of Social Work
Institute of Delinquency and Crime Prevention
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8037 Zürich

+41 (0) 58 934 89 01

Work at ZHAW



Crime Surveys, evaluations, quantitative & qualitative methods


  • Research Associate
    University of St. Gallen, Prof. Dr. Nora Markwalder
    10 / 2016 - today
  • Research Associate (maternity replacement)
    Zurich Cantonal Police, Intervention Centre against Domestic Violence (IST)
    03 / 2020 - 05 / 2020
  • Research Associate
    University of Zurich, Institute of Criminology, Prof. Dr. Christian Schwarzenegger
    01 / 2019 - 02 / 2020
  • Research Associate, Project Manager
    Killias Research & Consulting AG, Lenzburg
    08 / 2013 - 10 / 2018
  • Assistant, Research Associate
    University of Zurich, Institute of Law, Chair of Prof. Dr. Martin Killias
    08 / 2008 - 07 / 2013

Education and Continuing education


Master of Arts / Political Science, Sociology & Criminology
University of Zurich
09 / 2002 - 04 / 2008

Continuing Education

  • CAS Data Analysis
    Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design (IDP), ZHAW School of Engineering
    02 / 2023
  • Introduction to Computational Social Science with Applications in R
    GESIS Fall Seminar in Computational Social Sciences
    09 / 2021
  • Introduction to Survey Data Analysis in Stata
    Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis
    08 / 2011


Membership of networks



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Book parts, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW