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Dr. Susanne Businger

Dr. Susanne Businger

Dr. Susanne Businger

ZHAW School of Social Work
Institute of Childhood, Youth and Family
Pfingstweidstrasse 96
8037 Zürich

+41 (0) 58 934 88 66

Work at ZHAW


project manager and research associate


  • - Research on residential care, adoption, compulsory welfare measures, child and youth welfare, gender, and integration and exclusion processes
  • Residential Care and child and youth welfare: History of out-of-home placements, Authorities' justifications for out-of-home placements, History of the Youth Welfare Office, Growing up in socio-educational institutions
  • Adoption: The Actions of Authorities and Parastatal Organizations in Adoptions, Unmarried Motherhood and Adoption, Coercive Moments in Adoptions
  • Forced measures of social welfare: Child protection measures in the case of placement against the will of the parents, administrative institutional care, violence in socio-educational institutions
  • Gender and integration and exclusion processes: Refugee assistance by women's associations during World War II, official dealings with refugees, gender-specific view of Fürsorgerische Zwangsmassnahmen and residential care


  • Seminar "Social Control and Social Work in Public Spaces"
  • Seminar "Out-of-Home Placement - Researching Interventions in Childhood and Adolescence".
  • Examinations in Module 1 History and Theories of Social Work
  • Coaching in Module 15.4 "Emancipatory, lifeworld and coping-oriented approaches to social work theory"
  • Supervision of bachelor and master theses


  • Project management and research associate at the Institute for Childhood, Youth and Family at the ZHAW in projects on child and youth welfare, home education, adoption and Fürsorgerische Zwangsmassnahmen.
    ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Science
    01 / 2018 - today
  • Research assistant at the ZHAW in the SNF-Sinergia project "Placing Children in Care"
    ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Science
    03 / 2014 - 12 / 2017
  • PhD student at the Research Center for Social and Economic History (FSW) of the University of Zurich
    University of Zurich, Research Center for Social and Economic History
    09 / 2010 - 02 / 2014
  • Research associate at the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture (gta)
    ETH Zurich
    11 / 2009 - 06 / 2012
  • editor
    Olympe - Feminist Workbooks on Politics
    01 / 2007 - 12 / 2009
  • Research Assistant at the Institute for History and Theory of Architecture (gta)
    ETH Zurich
    08 / 2008 - 10 / 2009

Education and Continuing education


  • Phd (magna cum laude) / Social and Economic History
    University of Zurich, Research Center for Social and Economic History
    01 / 2010 - 02 / 2014
  • Lizentiat (Master) / Social and Economic History
    University of Zurich
    10 / 2002 - 05 / 2009

Continuing Education

  • CAS in higher education didactics
    Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH)
    04 / 2024
  • WBK project management
    ZHAW Winterthur
    12 / 2014
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Information Science
    University of Applied Science Graubünden
    01 / 2013



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Books and monographs, peer-reviewed
Book parts, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts