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Sabine Frei

Sabine Frei

Sabine Frei

ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Institute of Natural Resource Sciences
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil

+41 (0) 58 934 59 47

Work at ZHAW


Research assistant


  • Solar
  • Sustainability on campus


  • Solar thermal & photovoltaic module
  • entrepreneurial practice
  • Supervision of term papers & bachelor theses
  • Environmental analysis project week


  • Research Assistant in the Life Cycle Assessment research group
    ZHAW Wädenswil
    01 / 2023 - today
  • Research Assistant, Life Cycle Assessment Research Group
    ZHAW Wädenswil
    10 / 2016 - 12 / 2022
  • Scientific Assistant, Renewable Energies Centre
    ZHAW Wädenswil
    01 / 2012 - 09 / 2016
  • Scientific Assistant IUNR
    ZHAW Wädenswil
    10 / 2008 - 09 / 2012
  • Employee Jucker Farmart AG
    Jucker Farmart AG
    06 / 2000 - 08 / 2000

Education and Continuing education


  • Matura / specialising in English & Spanish
    Kantonale Maturitätsschule für Erwachsene, Zürich
    08 / 1997 - 06 / 2020
  • Environmental engineer / Naturmanagement
    ZHAW Wädenswil
    09 / 2003 - 10 / 2008
  • Basic studies in business administration, economics, law / business administration, economics, law
    University of St.Gallen (HSG)
    09 / 2001 - 08 / 2002

Continuing Education

  • MBSR - Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
    Mindfulness Zurich GmbH, Zurich
    05 / 2024
  • Successful appearance made easy
    Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
    04 / 2024
  • Facebook for companies
    Digicomp Academy AG, Zürich
    05 / 2019
  • Excel
    Functions, diagrams, tables, calculations
    05 / 2014
  • Viticulture course
    Vocational Training Centre Wädenswil
    05 / 2007


Social media




Book parts, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW