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René Schaffert

René Schaffert

René Schaffert

ZHAW School of Health Sciences
Institute of Public Health
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 63 54

Work at ZHAW


Lecturer, Research Associate


  • eDidactics supporter
    e@mG Competence Center for Digital Teaching at the School of Health Sciences
    2021 - today
  • lecturer
    Interprofessional Teaching and Practice Unit ZHAW
    2020 - today
  • research associate
    research unit for health sciences ZHAW
    2008 - 2020
  • teaching assignment for sociology
    School for Medical Technical Radiology Assistants in Zurich
    2005 - 2009
  • research assistant
    research unit for health sciences ZHAW
    06 / 2007 - 2008
  • registred nurse and voccational trainer
    different hospitals in the city of Zurich
    01 / 1992 - 05 / 2007
  • secetary
    AGGP Aktion Gsundi Gsundheitspolitik
    2000 - 2005



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts