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Dr. Evelyne von Beyme

Dr. Evelyne von Beyme

Dr. Evelyne von Beyme

ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics
Institute of Language Competence
Theaterstrasse 17
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 46 76

Work at ZHAW


Research Associate, Chair of Professional Literacy


Professional Literacy, Youth Language


Communication Competence


  • Research Associate, ZHAW Department of Applied Linguistics, Chair of Professional Literacy
    ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences
    2023 - today
  • Teaching German, history at cantonal schools; Zurich, Menzingen, Schwyz
    Cantonal College Schwyz, Cantonal School Enge, Cantonal School Menzingen, Cantonal School Stadelhofen
    2021 - 2024
  • Secondary school teacher for German, history, social studies
    Gymnasium Coburg
    2013 - 2017
  • Press and public relations
    Reclam Verlag
    2011 - 2011
  • Freelancer
    Münstersche Zeitung
    2010 - 2011
  • Research assistant, research project "Europe. Configurations of Literary Public Spheres", Department of German Studies
    University of Münster
    2008 - 2010
  • Freelance lector; languages: English, French, German.
    Suhrkamp Verlag, Random House, Rowohlt Verlag
    2006 - 2010
  • Freelancer
    2003 - 2010
  • Lecturer, Department of German Studies
    University of Münster
    2007 - 2007
  • Student assistant, Department of Medieval History
    Philipps University Marburg.
    2004 - 2004
  • Freelancer
    Marburger Neue Zeitung
    2003 - 2003

Education and Continuing education


  • Teaching diploma for baccalaureate schools / German, History
    Zurich University
    02 / 2020 - 05 / 2024
  • Certificate / Business management trainee programme IHK
    IHK North Westphalia, Münster
    2010 - 2011
  • PhD (magna cum laude) / German studies
    University of Münster
    2006 - 2010
  • Master's degree / German Studies, History
    Philipps University of Marburg, Sorbonne University, University of Münster
    2001 - 2006


Membership of networks

Social media



Oral conference contributions and abstracts

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW

Von Beyme, Evelyne, 2011. Auf dem Weg zum Meta-Symbolismus: Symbolistische Tradition bei Arendt und den Dichtern vom Prenzlauer Berg. Dissertation. Münster.