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Development of the #Bestandsplatine#: A Common Data Environment as Design and Decision Supporting Tool

At a glance

  • Project leader : Chiara Catalano, Mihaela Meslec
  • Deputy of project leader : Pascal Ochsner
  • Project team : Dominic Lüönd
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Innosuisse
  • Contact person : Chiara Catalano


With this preliminary project we would like to implement the existing Veg-Module into an Eco-Module which shall contain enhanced ecological data such as animal species distribution, habitat and vegetation types. In this way, we would test the potentiality to develop an ‘Ecological’ Common Data Environment as Design and Decision Supporting Tool for professionals of the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector, who receive more requests from owners to ‘design with nature.