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Farm to Table in Toni Areal

Seasonal, Regional, Sustainable - Culinary Research Project

Logo for the the interactive part of the research project

At a glance


The “Farm to Table” project, an initiative of the ZHAW, ZHdK and ZFV, explores the sustainable transformation of the dining hall offering with a comprehensive approach that includes seasonal, regional and balanced food options. This four-week project carried out on the Toni-Areal campus includes a detailed assessment of environmental impact, nutritional content and customer acceptance, with a particular focus on the transition to a “Planetary Health Diet”. The involvement of design and art from the ZHdK as well as the ZHAW research groups in the fields of food technology, climate assessment and environmental psychology and the canteen operator ZFV allows for holistic scientific and operational monitoring and analysis of the project.Activities include visits from food producers, public events, game nights, futuring workshops and tavolatas, which enrich the experience for participants and encourage interaction. These events serve to raise awareness and understanding of sustainable food practices and stimulate discussions about the future of university dining. In addition, the project produces podcast episodes that address various aspects of sustainable nutrition and make them accessible to a wider audience.The aim is to understand how university catering can be designed in such a way that its offerings are enjoyable, healthy and sustainable and at the same time offer experiences that contribute to a change in behavior towards climate neutrality at universities but also in society.

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